Magui Diop: A New Generation of Hip Hop Women in Senegal | Hip Hop African Podcast Centering MarganlizedGuest UserAugust 19, 2024Words Beats & Life Inc.Comment
Student Protests Reveal the Limits of our Democracy and our Values Centering MarganlizedGuest UserAugust 19, 2024words beats and lifeWords Beats & Life Inc.Comment
Creating Safe Spaces for Black LGBTQ+ | Watch Now Centering MarganlizedGuest UserJune 3, 2024kNOw new leaders, words beats life, WBL, lgbtq+, lgbtq, community, black lgbtq+Comment
Philly's Porch Light program with Nadia MALIK | Alt Spring Break Philly Edition Centering MarganlizedMatthew .May 1, 2024Words Beats & Life Inc., WBL, alternative spring breakComment
Donate at Any Busboys and Poets All Month! Centering MarganlizedGuest UserApril 15, 2024busboys and poetsWords Beats & Life Inc., WBLComment
Interview with “Footsteps in the Dark” Artistic Director Amirah Sackett Centering MarganlizedAdrienne BedsoleJanuary 5, 2024Comment
Footsteps in the Dark: An interview with Asad Ali Jafri Centering MarganlizedGuest UserDecember 1, 2023Words Beats & Life Inc., wblComment
2023 Youth Poet Laureate of Washington, DC Featured in Interview with Academy Director of Poetry Centering MarganlizedGuest UserDecember 1, 2023words beats and lifewbl, Words Beats & Life Inc.Comment
“Something to Say” on WPFW 89.3 Celebrates Creativity and Amplifies Young Voices Centering MarganlizedAdrienne BedsoleNovember 6, 2023Something to SayComment
Next Generation: "What's Going On NOW?" at Kennedy Center Celebration of Marvin Gaye's Iconic Song Centering MarganlizedGuest UserNovember 6, 2023words beats and lifewords beats life, wblComment
Poetry Playlist on Spotify | Listen Now Centering MarganlizedGuest UserOctober 5, 2023words beats and lifespotify, poetry, poet, spoken words, playlist, WBL, Centering Marginalized VoicesComment
Kashvi Ramani: An Inspirational Voice in 21st Century Poetry and the First-Ever Virginia State Youth Poet Laureate Centering MarganlizedAdrienne BedsoleOctober 5, 2023YPL, Youth Poet Laureate, Slam team, PoetryComment
"Can You See Me" by Saniya Pearson | COTTON Centering MarganlizedAdrienne BedsoleSeptember 4, 2023COTTON, poetry, WBLit Mag, academy, Saniya PearsonComment
"The Land Is Not Dead" by Chimwekele Okoro | COTTON Centering MarganlizedGuest UserSeptember 1, 2023words beats and lifecotton, words beats life, WBLComment
"Angels are Coming" by Sainey Ceesay | COTTON Centering MarganlizedAdrienne BedsoleAugust 1, 2023COTTON, Poetry, YPL, AcademyComment
Allison Xu: 2023 YPL | Montgomery County Centering MarganlizedGuest UserAugust 1, 2023allison xu, Youth Poet Laureate, montgomery county, poet, arts educationComment
"Alive" by Chimwekele Okoro | COTTON Centering MarganlizedGuest UserJuly 7, 2023words beats and lifealive, Chimwekele Okoro, cotton, poetry, Words Beats & Life Inc., WBL, washington perfoming arts societyComment
Sophia Hall: 2023 YPL | Washington DC Centering MarganlizedGuest UserJune 12, 2023words beats and lifewords beats life, Words Beats & Life Inc., WBL, arts education, sophia hall, Youth Poet Laureate, washington dcComment
Black Coooop! Black Cop! Black Cop! Black Cop! Centering MarganlizedAdrienne BedsoleApril 11, 2023Comment
WBL Fest Celebrates National Poetry Month Centering MarganlizedAdrienne BedsoleApril 11, 2023WBL Fest 2023, Word Power, PoetryComment